Arbutus Unedo
“For curious palates and lovers of bitter flavors”.
It is a rather rare, prestigious and prized honey due to its low production quantity. Specifically, the Arbutus flowers appear between the months of October / November, a period in which temperatures and weather conditions do not always allow the bees to forage. Furthermore, a summer with a high drought results in poor flowering and too intense winds or rains lead to the premature fall of the flowers.
Given this concomitance of events, its production is very difficult. Undoubtedly the most bitter honey on the market and therefore not pleasing to all palates. However, it is very likely that the taste will change from one year to the next based on the combination of other pollens present in the same territory.
This year the bees wanted to combine the sweetness of the Eucalyptus with the Strawberry Tree, so as to create a Honey with a flavor that we like to compare to an enveloping coffee cream.
Origin: Sardinia
The particular taste of Corbezzolo honey makes it a very versatile ingredient in the kitchen. Perfect for coffee, as the two bitter flavors go well together without the honey invading the aroma of the drink.
It goes very well in contrast with cheeses, in particular sweet and fatty ones such as mascarpone, ricotta, robiola but also classic Swiss ones such as Emmentaler and Gruyère as well as some types of cured meats, such as raw ham or dried meat.
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